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Patsie Marson

Making a Difference Case Study - Patsie Marson


Community Support Boston

Why You Got Involved?

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was in Asda doing my shopping when I noticed an elderly gentleman looking very distressed, I asked if he was ok and he told me there is nothing on the shelves due to all the panic buying it really upset me and made me realise there must be so many elderly and vulnerable people in the same situation.

At the time I was working away in Norwich four days a week and I put a post on Facebook appealing for donations of food essential from the community of Boston. On my return from Norwich I walked in my kitchen and it was piled high with food donations, it was overwhelming with all the food and toiletries which came flooding in. So then with the help of my family and friends the care parcels were going out and my phone was ringing constantly. The community came together, it was amazing, so amazing that 245 parcels were delivered to elderly and vulnerable people and six care homes too.

I realised then this doesn't have to end there was such a good feeling in the town because they wanted to help so I started the group Community Support. We help our community in everyway we can, from helping with families struggling due to low income with food by giving Asda vouchers and topping up there utility meters. At Christmas we do a big Christmas toy appeal and deliver toys to the less fortunate, we hold a free family fun day for the community and so much more, we do all this by fundraising . We also help the food bank and donate to Haven Cottage we also helped the Ark Wildlife Park when they were short of food with help from local delivery firm Lo Transport.

All the people we help is confidential.

What Impact/Difference is it Making to the Community?

People have someone to turn to when they need it the most and know we will do our best.

It brings the community together with everyone helping each other.

All the money we raise from the community goes back into the community.

How Would You Encourage Other to Get Involved in Their Community?

People are encouraged to get involved with their community by making them realise what a difference they can make and what amazing things can be achieved when they all come together. We have our family free fun day to encourage the community to come together and as a thank you for all their support throughout the year.

During the pandemic we started the Cha Cha slide challenge and the whole of Boston got involved and together as a community we were able to buy £2600 worth of groceries for the food bank everyone loved doing this and it got them out of their homes for a short while during lockdown.

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