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Graham Overton

Making a Difference Case Study - Graham Overton


We'll Meet Again WW2 Museum, Freiston Shore, Boston

Why You Got Involved?

I took early retirement in April 2021. I wanted to try some volunteer work which really interested me. I had visited the museum on a few occasions and really was amazed by the collection Paul and Linda (owners) had put together. I was always interested in history at school and have continued to read and study the second World War throughout my life so when the opportunity arose to work at the museum dedicated to the war I jumped at the chance.

What Impact/Difference is it Making to the Community?

I help Paul and Linda when the museum have educational visits for school children. I feel it's very important the children learn all about the second World War so it's not forgotten what sacrifices people made so we can enjoy the freedom we have today. The children get so much from their visit from learning about discipline, rationing, the hardships of a war and what having a great community spirit can achieve. They go away with a lot more knowledge and understanding and judging from the letters the museum receive back, a great amount of pleasure. It always gives me a lot of satisfaction I have helped these youngsters learn about an important stage in our history and hopefully an appreciation of the better world we live in now.

How Would You Encourage Other to Get Involved in Their Community?

What I have learned from the times of the second world war was the comradeship of this country. People helped each other, worked closely together, and sacrificed so much with one goal in mind which was to live in a better country. I would like to feel by educating our children about these times this just might rub off to help live in a better community.

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