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Providing affordable housing

requirements for providing affordable housing

Providing Affordable housing

Securing the delivery of affordable housing remains one of the strategic priorities for Boston Borough Council.

The need for affordable housing in the borough is evidenced from Strategic Housing Market Assessments for the area and then further refined by an analysis of households on the East Lindsey and Boston's Joint Housing Register.

Affordable Homes Programme

The Affordable Homes Programme is government programme managed by Homes England who work in partnership with Registered Providers (Housing Associations) Local Authorities and developers to deliver affordable housing through their grant programme. These schemes are normally fully affordable and deliver a mix of affordable tenures as part of the development.

Developer contributions and Section 106 Obligations

We also secure affordable housing through the planning system via developer contributions called Section 106 obligations.

Boston Borough Council's housing and planning services will assist and advise developers and registered providers about affordable housing policy requirements and the type of provision needed within the borough to meet the needs of local households.

Currently the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan requires a 20% affordable housing contribution on sites of 10 or more units in the Boston Borough area. 

Any developers or Registered Provider who wish to discuss potential schemes for affordable housing or affordable housing requirement should contact the Housing Strategy team.




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