Agency working with council and police strengthen community relations
A stronger partnership through agency working to build better community relations and address community concerns in Boston has seen vast improvements.
The joint agency working, made possible through local police, council enforcement and anti-social behaviour teams offers a dedicated service to help crackdown on reports of anti-social behaviour, littering and fly-tipping in the area. It builds on existing work by the partnership, including close working with private landlords on bin contamination, fly-tipping, over-occupied HMOs and operations such as clean-sweep which prevented the illegal disposal of 10 tonnes of construction waste, as well as the seizure of 3 vehicles.
Following recent reports of anti-social behaviour, littering and fly-tipping in one particular area of Boston the partnership have been able to make great improvements and it has been recognised by the residents who have come to us to say "I would just like to say a big thank you for sorting out the issues in our area and taking our concerns and reports seriously, a huge thank you to the street cleaning team who come regularly to clean up the mess that's left near the riverside steps on a regular basis. They do a great job."
Cllr Anne Dorrian, Leader of Boston Borough Council, said: "I would like to thank our teams and the Police for the continued dedication to the issues we face on a daily basis in our town. Our aim is to crackdown on anti-social behaviour, littering and fly-tipping in particular; and with multi-agency working I think this is the best way.
"All partners are committed to working together to improve community relations for all residents in Boston Borough, and on their behalf, I'd like to thank all the residents who have contributed feedback so far and helped in the development of these improved working relationships."
As the joint agency work continues and strengthens we hope that all of our residents start to see the benefits of the partnership working which itself is built on dedicated resources committed to the area by council services and police.