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Sunday Trading

Information about Sunday Trading.

The Provisions of the Sunday Trading Act 1998 detail the requirements for retail premises which wish to open on Sundays.

Small Shops

Shops not exceeding 280 square meters in size (floor area of sales and display) can trade at any time on a Sunday.

Larger Shops

Shops over 280 square meters (floor areas of sale and display) are restricted to six consecutive hours between 10am and 6pm. Large shops wishing to trade on a Sunday must give 14 days notice to the council of their intended opening times.

Exempt Shops

Exempt shops of whatever size may open without restriction. Exempt shops include:

  • farm shops
  • motor and cycle supply shops
  • exhibition stands
  • shops at stations and airports
  • petrol stations and
  • pharmacists for the sale of medicines and medical supplies.


For any enquiries please telephone 01205 314235. A member of the licensing team will normally be available at the Municipal Buildings on weekdays 9am - noon and 2pm - 5pm (4.30pm on Fridays). We may be available at other times by prior appointment.

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