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Boston Central Park to remain locked at night after significant drop in incidents

The gates to Boston Central Park will remain locked at night for another 12 months to help prevent crime, anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance.

Boston Borough Council has seen a continued decrease in calls to the Police since the locking of Central Park at night started in September 2021. At the same time, the number of call outs during daytime hours has also significantly fallen.

The total calls to Police have almost halved and the number in the evening - post 8pm have reduced by two thirds.

The figures show the average number of daytime calls has dropped along with night time calls from an average of 7.6 per month to 5.2 per month.

From September 6,2020-September 6, 2021 police dealt with 124 calls - 91 during the day and 33 at night.

From September 7, 2021 to July 18, 2022 when the park has been locked at night, there were 63 call outs from the police - 52 during the day and 11 within closure hours (four of which were May Fair related when the park was open longer).

BTAC has agreed to extend the night-time closure for another 12 months following a review. Signs are being made to show the new times on the park gates which are:

Cllr Paul Skinner, Leader of Boston Borough Council said:"Central Park is a fantastic asset in the heart of Boston town centre and it continues to be a place people can go to enjoy quality time with family and friends.

"By locking the gates at night has seen incidents of anti-social behaviour and crime fall - which has also impacted the number of incidents during the day.

"Residents who live near the park should feel safe in the knowledge they won't be disturbed at night time as the park will remain locked in the evenings for the next year.

Cllr Paul Goodale, Chairman of the Boston Town Area Committee, said: "These figures are very reassuring and shows locking the park at night is helping to reduce incidents at the park at night as well as incidents, in general, falling in the day.

"We want everyone to be able to enjoy the park and for those living in that area of the town to feel safe in their own homes. The decision to keep the park locked at night will give that reassurance to our residents and we will continue to monitor the figures going forward. 


The opening hours for Boston Central Park are:

Summer June 22-October 30, 2022 - 5.30am-10pm.

Autumn/Winter October 31-March 26, 2023 - 5.30am-6pm.

Spring/Summer 27 March, 2023-29 October 2023 - 5.30am-10pm.

Please note times may change dependent on organised activities running in the park.


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