Single Person Discount
If you live alone or are the only person over 18 years old in the property you can get a 25% discount. To qualify the property must be your main home.
How to apply
If you feel you are eligible for Single Person Discount then please complete the Single Person Discount Form (PDF, 1 MB) and return by email to or by post.
Change in Circumstances
If you qualify for a Council Tax discount you must tell us within 21 days if there is a change that might affect it. We can impose a £70 penalty if you do not tell us about a change. Keep us informed of changes on or by calling 01205 314200.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. My partner works away all week and only comes back home for holidays. Can I have a Single Person Discount?
A. No. A person's main home is regarded as 'where they would normally live were it not for their work commitments' even if most of their time is spent elsewhere.
Q. I have a holiday home and I am the sole owner. Can I have a Single Person Discount?
A. No. Single Person Discount can only be granted if someone over the age of 18 is occupying the property as their main home.