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Why we advise event organisers to contact SAG

It is strongly recommended that organisers contact the group at the initial stages of the proposed event, this can save time and money for them in the long run by ensuring the correct advice is received.

Advice offered covers all aspects of event organisation which includes elements such as what licences are required or if road closures are needed.

Anyone may contact SAG for advice, particularly those who may be:

  • new event organisers or venues,
  • an event which causes concerns to any of the SAG members and who have statutory responsibilities,
  • any high profile event that takes place in the district,
  • group members or event organisers who make requests to be seen by SAG,
  • events of an unusual nature or significant or unusual level of risk,
  • events with high attendance,
  • events where there has been a previous incident or issue.

The guiding principle for inviting events to a SAG meeting for is those events that present a significant risk to public safety, whether this is in terms of numbers of people attending or the nature of the event and / or a challenge of the environment.  

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