Equality and Diversity
The council's vision, as part of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership sub-regional strategy, is to increase growth and prosperity for our residents and businesses in Boston, whilst providing the opportunities to live healthier lives, creating safe and resilient communities and to protect our environment, improving quality of life and building a sustainable future.
As part of this vision, the council is fully committed to eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity for everybody who lives in, works in or visits Boston. The council believes that its performance and achievements will be enhanced in an environment where equality of opportunity exists and prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated. The council will work with its partners and the local community to challenge discrimination and to both celebrate diversity and promote cohesion. The council will ensure it complies with race, disability, sex and wider equality legislation.
The council's equality workforce profile can be found below:
The purpose of this report is to provide an annual summary of the profile of the workforce of Boston Borough Council (BBC) by it's protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act 2010.
All public sector employers, including local authorities, have a statutory duty under the Equality Act (2010) to publish the equality profile data it holds for its directly employed workforce on a regular annual basis. The latest workforce information for BBC is based on data obtained as at 27 January 2025.
As equality monitoring questions are optional, the council does not hold a full set of information for every employee. Where employees did not answer or did not want to state their protected characteristics, these are shown as 'not stated' or 'not specified'.