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Please check your bill for your instalment dates and amounts. The first instalment for the new year will be due on 1st April (unless you pay by Direct Debit on 4th, 12th, 20th or 28th of the month). We anticipate our phone lines will be busy over the next few weeks. Phone lines will be extended Monday to Thursday until 7pm between March 17 and 27. Phone lines are open until 4.45pm on March 21 and 28. 

Handing in of Postal Votes

Handing in of Postal Votes at Council Offices or at a Polling Station

There will be a limit on the number of postal votes a person can hand in at the Council Offices or at a polling station - they will not be allowed to hand in more than five postal ballot packs for other electors plus their own.  

  • Anyone handing in postal votes will need to complete a 'return of postal voting documents' form.
  • The person handing in the postal vote(s) will need to complete the form with their name, address and the reason for handing in other people's postal votes (where appropriate).
  • They will also need to complete a declaration that they are not handing in more than the permitted number, and that they are not a political campaigner.

Reasons your Postal Votes might be Rejected:

  • If a person hands in more than five postal votes for other electors, all the postal votes (other than their own) will be rejected.
  • If there is reason to suspect that a person has already handed in the maximum number of postal votes on any previous occasion at the election, any subsequent postal votes handed in will be rejected
  • If the return of postal voting documents form is not completed with all the required information, or to the authorised officer's satisfaction, the postal vote(s) will be rejected.

Please note the Council Offices at the Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston will only accept handing in of postal votes during normal office hours of 9am-5pm.  

Rejected postal votes will not be included in the count.

After the election, the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) will write to electors who have had their postal votes rejected, telling them why.

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