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Meet Boston's 488th Mayor as he selects his chosen charities for the year

The Worshipful the Mayor of Boston, Cllr David Brown, has chosen his charities for the coming year.

Cllr Brown became the Borough's 488th Mayor at Boston Borough Council's AGM last month.

He previously served as a Borough Councillor for eight years and following a break, was re-elected in the May 2023 Local Elections.

 He has now chosen the RNLI and the Salvation Army as his chosen charities.

The Salvation Army is particularly close to his heart as the charity supported his grandfather when he became homeless at just 12 years of age.

Cllr Brown said it is a great honour to be appointed Mayor.

He said: "It is a great privilege and I'm really looking forward to visiting the many organisations and people who do great work for the benefit of the Borough.

"I want to see the town prosper and I will be encouraging greater integration across communities.

"There is a lot to be proud of in Boston and we all have a part to play in promoting the town and speaking positively about the many great things which take place here and the people that make the town what it is."

Cllr Brown, 65, was born in Donington on his family's farm. His father, Charles 'Fred' Brown, sold the farm the following year and the family then moved to 29 London Road in Kirton.

His father sadly died when Cllr Brown was just nine years old. Cllr Brown's mother, Mavis, raised six children alone and got involved with community initiatives in the Borough.

Cllr Brown developed a strong work ethic from a young age, first becoming a newspaper boy, delivering the evening Echo.

At the age of 16, he decided he was not going back to school and started earning a decent wage for the time in a factory job.

Later in life, he became the General Manager at The Merry Monk in Kirton and for 20 years, he worked in the haulier industry as a HGV driving instructor.

Cllr Brown is now retired and looking forward to meeting the many local causes, organisations and residents in his role as Mayor.   

A Mayor making ceremony will take place on July 10 as part of the Full Council meeting.

At the ceremony, Cllr Brown's sister, Linda Favell, will be appointed to serve as Mayoress.

A Mayor's Scout and Mayoress' Guide will also be elected for the year, as per tradition.   

Cllr David Brown


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