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Town centre dumping spots completely transformed by Boston Borough Council's cross-departmental working

Boston Borough Council teams have over the past year been working cross-departmental with officers from many different areas working together and closely with property owners to clear up local fly-tipping hot spots and dumping areas.

One area in particular that has recently been transformed is a location at the back of the former Bambridges offices on Wide Bargate, Boston. This area was a piece of private-owned land piled high with household waste and fly-tipping.

Since the departure of the former solicitors this vacant privately owned site that lies just at the side of our main high street has been used as a dumping ground by local residents and illegal fly-tippers causing a health and safety nightmare dumping items such as shopping trolleys, cardboard and black bin bags full of waste piled high.

The area itself is shielded by other properties in a built up area but with easy access. It was seen to be used as a bin store and fly-tipping area for local residents to discard of their household waste.

Cllr Deborah Evans, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, said: "It is absolutely horrendous to see areas our teams work on in such a state. People purposely visit these areas thinking they are great places to store and dispose of their household waste, rather than following the proper disposal rules put in place for all of our residents, not just locally but countywide.

"Our cross-departmental working is key to solving problem areas such as this and I am really proud and grateful of the work in which they do. Solving health and safety nightmares such as this are key to the safety of our town. Not only is this illegal it is also not acceptable for anyone to dump their waste onto public or private land in this way.

"The team have worked closely with the property owner to get this cleared and resolved in a professional manner and to put in place means so this offence isn't repeated."

To find out more about how the council deal with fly-tipping and other environmental crimes and how to report these please visit

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