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Please check your bill for your instalment dates and amounts. The first instalment for the new year will be due on 1st April (unless you pay by Direct Debit on 4th, 12th, 20th or 28th of the month). We anticipate our phone lines will be busy over the next few weeks. Phone lines will be extended Monday to Thursday until 7pm between March 17 and 27. Phone lines are open until 4.45pm on March 21 and 28. 

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Services

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service is a charity working in a variety of ways to support the voluntary and community sector in Lincolnshire.

They help people to achieve their personal and organisational goals, creating partnerships and building strong communities. They are dedicated to enhancing people's health, particularly during at transition points in their
lives. Their core mission is to promote volunteering, self-esteem, and well-being, and strive to support hundreds of organisations that bring people together and help them to raise their voice.

Community Development and Volunteering Officer Team


Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service  holds the Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation quality mark for organisations who are registered as volunteer centres. This means you can be assured that whether you are an
individual wishing to volunteer, an organisation wanting support for your volunteers, an employer who supports employer supported volunteering or a funder or commissioner who can fund their work - you know that they'll provide a high quality and effective local service. Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service champion volunteering as a force for positive action and as the only accredited volunteer centres in the areas they reflect excellence and good practice. They provide an efficient brokerage service for potential volunteers and volunteer involving organisations.

Group Support

The Community Development and Volunteering Officers support 100's of organisations each year bringing people together to have a voice about what matters to them and their community so they can focus their energy on making a difference with people in their communities. They do this by providing practical support for community development to groups. They give guidance and provide training on good governance, volunteer management and funding. They also facilitate forums on current issues connecting organisations so they can find solutions to their concerns, share best practice and collaborate.

Community Development and Volunteering Officer Newsletter

You can sign up to receive the Lincolnshire Community Voluntary Service Community Development and Volunteering Officers newsletter here 

Social Prescribing

What is social prescribing? Social prescribing  is a non-clinical service that links people to their community. This is to help enhance their health and wellbeing by supporting participants to increase social interaction, build
confidence, self-esteem, enhance self-care and build knowledge of local resources. It is a non medical solution to problems. Social Prescribing Link Workers offer short term one-to-one support and advice to individuals, helping them to connect with their community, reduce social isolation and improve their health and well-being.

What is the Role of a Social Prescribing Link Worker?

A Link Worker assists participants in identifying goals, finding relevant local groups and activities, and providing long term solutions. They may provide short term support to help participants to build knowledge of local resources, find community support and enhance independence and health ownership.

Who can benefit from Social Prescribing?


  • People who need support with mental health
  • People who are veterans
  • People willing to engage in self-care/help management
  • People who are isolated or lonely
  • People with long term health conditions
  • People with complex social needs which affect their well-being
  • People who need support with physical health needs
  • People who frequently attend primary or secondary health care

How do I get referred to Social Prescribing?

If you feel Social Prescribing would be helpful to you, you can self refer through the Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service website or call the Social Prescribing team on 01205 314479.
You can also speak to your GP and other professionals about them referring you to the service.


Environmental Projects

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service run a number of environmental projects across the Boston area, these consist of:

  • Naturehood - This project encourages people to get involved in improving the Boston area's wildlife habitats, developing a number of naturehood sites across Boston.
  • The Friendly Bench Boston - The team help organise monthly events at a Friendly Bench outside Ancaster Court, in Broadfield Lane, Boston. This provides a friendly space where everyone is welcome and helps bring the community together.
  • Rivercare - Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service organise regular litter picks including along the River Witham and the tidal Haven and everyone is welcome to come along and get involved.
  • Boston Green Volunteers - The Green Volunteers is a group of enthusiastic residents keen on helping to make Boston a cleaner and brighter place for everyone, working closely with Boston in Bloom and other local organisations.

Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service couldn't deliver these projects without the support from so many local organisations including: Lincolnshire Wildlife, RSPB Frampton Marsh, Boston Borough Council, Transported, Boston Rowing
Club, RiverCare/Keep Britain Tidy and Boston in Bloom.

You can find out more information about all of the environmental projects on Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service's social media platforms and on their website here.

Next Steps in Recovery Service

Next Steps in Recovery Service  is a counselling/psychotherapy service that provides medium to long-term therapeutic support for those who identify as having a mental health and a substance misuse issue (dual diagnosis).  Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service support people for up to six months with weekly sessions, either face to face, phone or on-line.

People can self-refer or be referred via a variety of agencies and organisations. They cover the county online and by telephone and in specific areas for face to face sessions. Find out more information and how to refer here.

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