Healing the High Street Town Deal Scheme
Grant funding to help with conservation repairs and reinstatement of buildings within the scheme area.
Healing the High Street Town Deal Scheme
Grant funding to help with conservation repairs and reinstatement of buildings within the scheme area.
The Healing the High Street project in Boston provides grant funding to help with conservation repairs and reinstatement of buildings within the scheme area. Working with property owners the enhancement to properties aims to reinstate a positive traditional character in the area.
Boston Borough Council is offering grants to private owners of historic properties within the Market Place, Strait and Wide Bargate.
Grants are for improvements to the properties through repair, reinstatement of historic features and improvements to signage. Priority will be given to target buildings and schemes that involve the reinstatement of traditional shop fronts. The grants are funded through a partnership by HM Government and is being delivered by Boston Borough Council with support from Heritage Lincolnshire.
Grants available
- 50% of the cost of high quality repairs to historic buildings
- 90% of the cost of reinstating architectural features (priority is given to the installation of traditional shop fronts)
- A minimum of 50% towards improvements to signage
You can find out more about Boston Town Deal at Projects - Welcome to Boston Town Deal Website
Contact details
For further information and details of how to apply contact Katy-Jayne Lintott, Project Manager
Tel: 07510 923617
Email: Katy-Jayne Lintott
Address: The Old School, Cameron Street, Heckington NG34 9RW