Anti-Social Behaviour
What is Anti-Social Behaviour?
Anti-social behaviour is defined as 'Conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person' under Section 105(4) of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review
Information and guidance about Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review, previously known as the Community Trigger
Hate Crime
Information and advice about incidents, perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate
Disputes with neighbours / or family disagreements
Information and guidance about disputes with neighbours
Information about the law around using fireworks, how to stay safe, and how to report those using fireworks in a dangerous or threatening way
Nuisance animals
Information and guidance about aggressive or neglected animals and how to report them
Nuisance behaviour by groups
Information and guidance about common types of nuisance behaviour by groups of people and what you can do about it
Nuisance contact
Information and guidance about annoying phone calls, unwanted visits or social media contact
Nuisance littering
Information and guidance about fly tipping and littering
Nuisance noise
Information and guidance about noise nuisance
Nuisance parking
Information and advice about nuisance parking and abandoned vehicles