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Please check your bill for your instalment dates and amounts. The first instalment for the new year will be due on 1st April (unless you pay by Direct Debit on 4th, 12th, 20th or 28th of the month). We anticipate our phone lines will be busy over the next few weeks. Phone lines will be extended Monday to Thursday until 7pm between March 17 and 27. Phone lines are open until 4.45pm on March 21 and 28. 

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

Information about Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

Civil Parking Enforcement

In December 2012 Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) was introduced in Lincolnshire.  The introduction of CPE changed the way that parking fines were issued across the county.  Excess Charge Notices were replaced by Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) - Boston Borough Council are responsible for issuing PCNs at off-street locations owned by the Council; whilst Lincolnshire County Council assumed responsibility from the Police Authority for issuing PCNs at on-street locations throughout Lincolnshire.

The processing for Boston Borough Council's PCNs is no longer carried out in-house, but at the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in Nottingham. Therefore, if you have received a PCN and you wish to challenge it, please follow the instructions on the reverse of the PCN.

If you are intending to challenge a PCN, you should do so within 14 days of receiving it and you should not make payment in the meantime.

If you have mislaid your PCN and need to know the reference number for the case, please contact Boston Borough Council for off-street PCNs issued in Council car parks by emailing and Lincolnshire County Council for on-street PCNs. 

Please do not attempt to challenge a PCN using the above email address, all challenges to PCNs should be made by contacting the CPU directly.  

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