Building Control Application Forms and Fees
Public Notice
Amendment to Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Charges and Associated Matters (coming into effect 1 April 2025)
In accordance with Regulation 12 (Publicity) of the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010, Boston Borough Council publicise the amended Scheme for the Recovery of Building Regulation Charges and Associated Matters, which can be viewed in the Downloads section at the bottom of this page.
Date of scheme publication: 24 March 2025.
General Application Information
From 1 October 2023, the building regulations procedures have changed significantly.
This includes changes to the application process. Please ensure you refer to the notes and checklist documents below, before submitting your Building Regulations application.
A valid application must be made to the local authority before the start of building work.
This may take the form of an application for building control approval with full plans, or in certain cases a building notice.
In either case the correct fee must be included before the application can be accepted.
Please see the 'downloads' box at the bottom of this page for all of our application forms, charges and checklists.
If assistance is required please contact the building control office on (01205) 314295.
Please send your completed application form and supporting documentation to Payments can be made over the phone by calling 01205 314295.
Planning Portal applications.
If you would prefer to submit your application via the Planning Portal (registration required) please follow the link given below.
Planning Portal Online Submission
Reimbursement for support provided to the Building Safety Regulator
From 1st October 2023, The Building Safety Regulator's (BSR) will have three main functions:
- leading implementation of the new regulatory regime for higher-risk buildings (which includes high-rise buildings);
- helping and encouraging the built environment industry and building control professionals to improve their competence and organisational capability; and
- overseeing the safety and standards of all buildings.
Local Authority building control bodies will support the BSR in the performance of its relevant functions under Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 22) and will be reimbursed for the relevant authority's costs of complying with a request or direction under Section 13 of the BSA 22.
Reimbursement is based on an hourly rate for the time of the relevant authority in assisting the BSR.
Boston Borough Council's hourly rate is £57.45.