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Residents will shortly receive their Council Tax bill for the new financial year.  Please check your bill for your instalment dates and amounts. The first instalment for the new year will be due on 1st April (unless you pay by Direct Debit on 4th, 12th, 20th or 28th of the month). We anticipate our phone lines will be busy over the next few weeks. Phone lines will be extended Monday to Thursday until 7pm between March 17 and 27. Phone lines are open until 4.45pm on March 21 and 28. 

Data and Information

Details about how the Council uses information, provides information in respect to transparency and how to ask for information.

Information Requests

How to request information under the Freedom of Information Act, Environmental Information Regulations and INSPIRE Regulations

Publication Scheme

The main purpose of a Publication Scheme is to make information readily available to the public without the need for specific written requests.


The Local Government transparency code is issued to meet the Government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to increase democratic accountability. It will make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process and help shape public services.

Information Governance

Local government and Councils hold a huge amount of information, including sensitive personal data (now called special category information) . This data needs to be handled in a discreet manner in order to protect people's identities, reputations and privacy, as well as keeping the Council within legal requirements. These pages highlight areas in respect to information we legally protect, and that which we legally must provide.

Asset Management Strategy

We have an Asset Management Framework which is intended to last until 2026.

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