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Please check your bill for your instalment dates and amounts. The first instalment for the new year will be due on 1st April (unless you pay by Direct Debit on 4th, 12th, 20th or 28th of the month). We anticipate our phone lines will be busy over the next few weeks. Phone lines will be extended Monday to Thursday until 7pm between March 17 and 27. Phone lines are open until 4.45pm on March 21 and 28. 

Report a Missed Bin Collection

Report a missed collection of refuse bins or bags

Missed Collections

Bins must be presented on the night before the scheduled collection by no later than 5.30am on the day of collection.  If your bin is not presented for collection at the time of  collection, it will be recorded on the in cab system. 

If a bin is recorded on the system as 'not presented', responsibility for disposal will become that of the householder and the Council will not return to collect the bin. 


Green Bin (General waste)

If a householder has not had their green bin collected but adjacent neighbours have, and if no sticker or tag has been applied to inform the householder that the bin was contaminated, then they should contact the Council on 01205 314200 within 2 days of the missed collection by 2.00pm. 

We will then attempt to revisit for collection. If we are unable to recollect on the same day we will attempt to go back within 5 working days. If the Council is not contacted within this time, then no recollection can be made and residents should present their bin at the next scheduled collection.


Blue Bin (Mixed dry recycling)

If a householder has not had their bin collected but adjacent neighbours have, they should contact the Council on 01205 314200 and we will send recycling bags to the customer. Recycling bins will not be recollected. Recycling bags must not be placed inside the bin but presented at the side of the bin.

If your bin has been reported as contaminated, the contamination must be removed by the resident prior to the next scheduled collection. If requested, the Council will send recycling bags which should be presented at the side of (maximum of 4 bags per collection).


Purple/Purple-lidded Bin (Paper and cardboard)

If a householder has not had their bin collected but adjacent neighbours have, and if no sticker or tag has been applied to inform the householder that the bin was contaminated, they should contact the Council on 01205 314200 within 2 days of the missed collection by 2.00pm.  We will then attempt to revisit for collection. If we are unable to recollect on the same day we will attempt to go back within 5 working days. If the Council is not contacted within this time, then no recollection can be made and residents should present their bin at the next scheduled collection. Side waste will not be accepted with your black/purple lidded bin.

If your bin has been reported as contaminated, the resident must remove the contamination prior to the next scheduled collection.


Brown Bin (Garden waste)

If a householder has not had their bin collected and adjacent neighbours have, they should contact the Council on 01205 314200 within 2 days of the missed collection by 2.00pm. We will then attempt to revisit for collection as long as there are no issues reported by our crew, such as the bin not being presented. If we are unable to recollect on the same day we will attempt to go back within 5 working days.  

We do not collect any additional side waste for garden waste.


Tagged / Rejected Bins

The most common reason for non-collection of blue and purple-lidded bins is contamination (when unacceptable items are in your bins). If this is the case your bin will have been tagged to inform you of the contaminated items and our in-cab records will reflect this. Please check if your bin has been tagged before reporting a missed bin.

Where our records show that your bin has been tagged, we are unable to return to empty your bin until your next scheduled date.  Please make sure any unacceptable items have been removed before your next scheduled collection. Your local Household Waste Recycling Centre can be used for waste disposal in the meantime where required.

If your bin has not been tagged and does not contain any unacceptable items, please report this by emailing our waste team or telephoning 01205 314200.


Parked cars blocking roads leading to non-collection of wheeled bins

Where there is one or more cars parked in a manner which blocks access by our vehicles to collect bins, then the council will attempt to return the same day and re-collect.  Where we are unable to re-collect on the same day, these will be added to our re-collection round and emptied as soon as operationally possible. 

The Councils crews will record the vehicles registration number, make, model, and evidence with a photo. A letter will also be left on the windscreen of the offending vehicle. If the same vehicle is reported more than 2 times to be blocking a road, the vehicles information will be passed through to our Enforcement Team who will take enforcement action including issuing a Community Protection Notice Warning to the registered keeper.


When we are unable to access a road due to road works

It may not be possible for our refuse vehicles to collect from highways where road works are in place. This can generate complaints to the Council as it may be possible for some vehicles, such as cars, to access such a road. However, our vehicles are Large Goods Vehicles and our Driver is authorised to determine whether a collection is made given their duty to operate their vehicle safely. We will endeavour to liaise with the Highway Authority wherever possible for pre-determined collection times. We will assess these areas to ensure prompt recollection is made as soon as possible.  We will take up to four bags additional side waste for both general waste and recycling in these circumstances.

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