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Energy Efficiency Regulations

The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015

Landlords of rented property are required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) in place which details the energy efficiency of a dwelling on a scale from A to G and provides useful information on likely fuel consumption costs.

As from April 1, 2020 the legislation has been fully implemented and applies to all tenancies.  From this date it is an offence to let a property with an energy rating of F or G, unless an exemption certificate is obtained.

Properties with poor energy efficiency waste energy and impose unnecessary costs on tenants and the wider economy. In addition, these properties contribute to avoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of this legislation, the Council has also been given a range of enforcement powers which allow us to issue a Financial Penalty on any landlord that is found to have breached these regulations.  Further information on these penalties can be found below in the document entitled Penalty Charge Notice for MEES and Electrical Regulations which should be read in conjunction with the Private Sector Housing Policy Framework.

Правила за енергийна ефективност

Разпоредби за енергийната ефективност (частни наети имоти) (Англия и Уелс) от 2015 г.

Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo taisyklės

2015 m. Energijos vartojimo efektyvumo (privataus nuomojamo būsto) (Anglija ir Velsas) reglamentas

Energoefektivitātes noteikumi

2015. gada noteikumi par enerģijas efektivitāte (privātīpašumu noma) (Anglija un Velsa)

Przepisy dotyczące efektywności energetycznej

Przepisy dotyczące efektywności energetycznej (nieruchomość wynajmowana prywatnie) (Anglia i Walia) z 2015 r.

Regulamentos de Eficiência Energética

Regulamentos de Eficiência Energética de 2015 (Propriedade Privada Arrendada) (Inglaterra e País de Gales)

Reglementări privind eficiența energetică

Reglementările pe 2015 privind Eficiența Energetică (pentru proprietăți private închiriate) (Anglia și Țara Galilor)

Регулирование энергоэффективности

Регламент 2015 года об энергоэффективности (частная арендуемая недвижимость) (Англия и Уэльс).

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